Healthy Weight

Jacqui's Shaklee Effect
Jacqui McCoy, record-setting contestant on Extreme Weight Loss, learned that it was important to...

Shaklee 180®: Elisabeth's Story
With Shaklee 180®, Elisabeth lost 30 pounds, and learned to keep it off for 3 years. With her...

Shaklee 180®: Viki's Story
For Viki, weight loss was an emotional, not just physical, experience. Thanks to Shaklee 180®,...

Shaklee 180®: Laura's Story
With her husband deployed in the military and three kids to take care of, Laura's weight "just...

Shaklee 180®: Rachael's Story
As Rachael's weight grew, she found herself wondering what she was teaching her children about...

Shaklee 180™: Dan and Janeen's Story
When Dan's check-up didn't go so well, Janeen decided it was time for a change--not just in their...

Shaklee 180®: Scott's Story
As a fireman, Scott needs to stay in top physical condition, but over the years, his weight crept...

Dr. Lori's Shaklee 180 Journey
Dr. Lori felt like a hypocrite when she asked her patients to lose weight when she herself wasn't...

Shaklee 180®: Jerry's Story
Jerry wanted the body he'd had in high school--and Shaklee 180 helped him achieve his goal.