Shaklee TV


What Are Telomeres?

Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, Nobel-winning researcher, knows everything there is to know about...


Telomere Length and Your Health

Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, Nobel-winning researcher, discusses what your telomeres can tell us...


Nicolle | The Results Speak for Themselves

Nicolle thought she already had great skin. But with YOUTH she has seen results that have amazed...


Living Proof: Aldona

Aldona emigrated to the U.S. as a child, after the Second World War, from communist-held...


Leg Exercise #1: LEG EXTENSION

Learn the proper form for the LEG EXTENSION, the first of 3 leg exercises in...


Mary | Clinical Results Without Compromise

As a mother of four, Mary cares as much about ingredient safety as she does getting great...


A Better Way (2)

When we care for the Earth, we care for ourselves, our families and everyone on the planet. Using...


Introducción de YOUTH® Restoring Eye Treatment

¡Conoce la flamante adición al Cuidado para la Piel YOUTH! Virginie Descamps, Directora de...


Turnaround Talk: The Key To Weight Management...

Once you've taken the weight off, how do you stay at that happy place? Dr. Jamie McManus offers...


Get Intensely Hydrated in 4 Easy Steps!

Watch how quick easy it is to get intensely hydrated in 4 easy steps with the YOUTH® Hydration...